In it’s 3rd printing, the second edition of Tap Into Greatness is HERE!!!!
Everyone has a brilliant leader inside, with the ability to consistently tap the brilliant thinkers, performers, creators and team stars inside those unsuspecting folks around you right now. Tap Into Greatness builds on Sarah’s experiences as a master educator, renowned trainer and leadership coach to teach and propel readers into becoming the version of themselves who tap greatness every day.
She shows you how to be the leader they remember years later, by impacting their thinking, opening their path forward and expanding their self-concept. This is your how-to for reaching in, finding their greatness and inspiring them to step INto it.
“…it’s easy to see how Singer-Nourie’s pace and attitude can pump up teams—and their leaders… Tap Into Greatness is a VERY effective motivational tool… ”
Want to listen?
Sarah’s the voice, coaching you to Tap Into Greatness, so you’re set! Click on the button above for Audible download or CD’s!
TAP INTO GREATNESS: How to Stop Managing, Start Leading and Drive Bigger Impact
Published by RipplePress.
Foreword by Blair Singer, entrepreneur and best-selling author of SalesDogs, Team Code of Honor, Little Voice Mastery and Rich Dad Advisor
Sarah Singer-Nourie’s Tap Into Greatness elevates the conversation- to a much bigger game thank management. This is about Inspiring. Influencing. Creating impact in your world and on the people in it...Leading.
In Tap Into Greatness, you will:
• Set your mind and energy for focused impact despite any circumstances.
• Step into the ideal version of yourself for each situation, every time.
• Get the formula for setting your team up to have deep, broad impact vs just talking about results.
• Break through your own limits as a leader, so your team will step out more.
• Master the 3 Ingredients for getting buy-in from anyone.
• Get the secret to finding the "10" in even your most challenging people and coaching them to greatness.
• Inspire people mentally, physically and emotionally.
• Pinpoint & communicate quickly in the language they’re already thinking.
• Use the master reset to tap perspective and purpose when the stress hits- for yourself and your team.
• Coach with the forumula that ensures they get it the first time!
“Sarah Singer-Nourie’s approach to leadership and to unlocking people’s potential is high energy, visceral, immediate and exuberant. “Tap into Greatness” offers a broad range of unique tools she has developed during her years of teaching and which draw on all of our senses. You’ll learn something new on every page of this book.”
Already have your limited-Edition-1st-run Tap Into Greatness hardback? Awesome- Get the corrections hERE!
It happens. A few key pieces were accidentally omitted from your copy. So, here's an important correction insert for your first edition!
Click on the image below, and you'll get a clean pdf to print and tuck into your original first-edition book with the key missing pieces. Then, email us a photo of your hardback book, and we’ll send you a signed copy of the 2ND EDITION TIG at 75% off, so you have the most current version, with 20% more content in it!
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